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Aesthetics and Politics


Aesthetics and Politics


Anno accademico 2023/2024

Codice attività didattica
Chiara Bottici (Titolare del corso)
Pietro Kobau (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studio
laurea magistrale in Filosofia
Philosophy International Curriculum M.A.
1° anno
Secondo semestre
Caratterizzante - Ambito: Istituzioni di filosofia
SSD attività didattica
M-FIL/04 - estetica
Tipologia esame
Propedeutico a

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

The class contributes to the achievement of the educational objectives of the Master's Degree Course in Philosophy by providing an adequate knowledge of Feminist Aesthetics. The instructor will focus on following skills: reasoning, contextualizing, and processing.

Si intende fornire una visione storico-teorica sull'argomento del corso.


Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

The students shall acquire abilities of critical analysis and historical and philosophical contextualization of the main themes developed during the course. They will increase their argumentative abilities and the depth of independently developed arguments. Preliminarily, the students will acquire:

- adequate knowledge of the involved themes,
- analytical and argumentative abilities in the discussion of the texts pertaining to the topics explored in the class.

Le/gli studentesse/i acquisiranno capacità di analisi critica, nonché di contestualizzazione storica e filosofica dei temi principali sviluppati nel corso delle lezioni.
Le/gli studentesse/i, preliminarmente, svilupperanno:

- conoscenze adeguate dei temi trattati,
- capacità analitiche e argomentative nella discussione dei testi riguardanti i temi trattati nel corso delle lezioni.



We start by acknowledging that sex- and gender-based social organization is pervasive and, further, that its prominence and persistence is reflected in sex- and gender-conscious research across the humanties, social sciences, visual studies and the arts. In this course, we will survey influential theoretical approaches to sex and gender such as socialist feminism, theories of sexual difference, queer studies, de-colonial feminism, and psychoanalytic feminism, and explore the way in which aesthetic practices have challenged sexist biases in society. Through this prism, we will revisit some of the most important concepts developed by classical political theory and philosophy.

  • Bottici, C. “Imaginal politics,” Thesis Eleven 106, (2011), pp. 56-72
  • De Beauvoir, S. 2011, The Second Sex (New York: Vintage), pp. 3-20 (intro), 159-170 (myth), 279-295 (lived exp).

  • Bell Hooks, 1999, “Feminism: A Movement to End Sexist Oppression,” in Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center (Cambridge: South End Press), pp. 18-33

  • Lugones, M. 2016, “The Coloniality of Gender,” in Wendy Harcourt (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Development (Basingstoke: Palgrave), pp. 13-33

  • Bottici, C. 2022, Anarchafeminism, London: Bloomsbury, Intro + Chap 6, 7: pp1-24, pp. 154-223

  • Butler, J. 1993, “Imitation and Gender Insubordination,” in Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader (New York, Routledge), pp. 307-320

  • Preciado, P. 2013, “Introduction,” “The Pharmacopornographic era,” and “Technogender,” in Testo Junkie (New York: Feminist Press), pp. 23-54, 99-129

  • Morton, T. 2010, “Queer Ecology,” PMLA 125(2), 2010, pp. 273-282

  • Irigaray, L. 1985, This Sex Which Is Not One (New York: Cornell University Press), pp. 23-33



Modalità di insegnamento

Lectures, 36 hours (6 CFU). with the aid of slides.

Lezioni frontali, 36 hh, con il supporto di slides.


Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

  • One final paper (5,000-6,000 words). Deadline: 15 May. Results: 30 May. After this deadline it will no longer be possible to receive a grade on a final paper.

  • If preferable, an oral examination with Prof. Pietro Kobau is possible (see relative “appelli”).



Attività di supporto

Testi consigliati e bibliografia


The texts recommended for each session form the background of the lectures, so every student is invited to familiarize themselves with the readings that will be made available in a google drive.


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    01/09/2023 alle ore 00:00
    Chiusura registrazione
    30/06/2024 alle ore 00:00
    Ultimo aggiornamento: 17/02/2024 09:40
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