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Conferenza ART: Federico Maria Petrucci

Martedì 21 dicembre 2021 ore 18:00
Pubblicato: Martedì 7 dicembre 2021 da Alessandro Giovanni Bertinetto

ART (Aesthetics Research Torino) Philosophical Seminar 

Prof. Federico Maria Petrucci 

(Università di Torino)


December, 21st at 6 p.m.


Aula 11, Palazzo Nuovo, University of Turin

& Online:



Pw: MFmm2KHAk85


The Epistemological Status of Music in Plato's Timaeus

It is usually assumed that Plato condemned musical experience: while the study of harmonic theory is part of the philosopher's curriculum studiorum in the Republic, Plato apparently describes musical experience (along with the practice of poetry) as something dangerous for the soul. In this scenario, the Timaeus provides important traces of an alternative view, namely one in which musical experience can on the contrary elevate the soul and favour her contact with the divine - and, even more importantly, Timaeus' cosmological myth encompasses an account of the metaphysical reasons why it is (or, has to be) so.


Federico M. Petrucci (PhD Pisa 2012) was Humboldt Stipendiat at the Universität Würzburg and Research Fellow at the Scuola Normale Superiore and at Durham University. He is currently Associate Professor of History of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Turin. His main areas of interest are Plato, Platonism and the history of ancient science, with a special focus on musical theory and astronomy. He has authored monographs on Middle Platonist philosophers and has published the translation and commentary on Plato's Seventh Tetralogy; his new critical edition, translation and commentary of Plato's Timaeus is forthcoming (September 2022).


ART (Aesthetics Research Torino) is a periodic philosophical seminar organized by the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin and the PhD Program FINO.


Prof. Alessandro Bertinetto (University of Turin). 

Prof. Federico Vercellone (University of Turin). 



Dr. Paolo Furia (University of Turin). 

Dr. Lisa Giombini (University Rome 3). 

Dr. Gregorio Tenti (FINO Doctoral School). 

Dr. Alice Iacobone (FINO Doctoral School)


ART addresses different topics of the contemporary debate in Aesthetics: philosophy of beauty, philosophy of the arts, theory of sensory experience, philosophy of image and imagination, and history of aesthetics.

ART is supported by:
Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Morfologia Francesco Moiso (CIM)
Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale di Logica, Linguaggio e Cognizione (LLC)
Centro Studi Arti della Modernità

Centro Studi Filosofico-religiosi "Luigi Pareyson"


ART is sponsored by: 
Italian Society for Aesthetics (SIE) 
European Society for Aesthetics (ESA)


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