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Foundations of Logic and Mathematics


Foundations of Logics and Mathematics


Anno accademico 2023/2024

Codice attività didattica
Matteo Plebani (Titolare del corso)
Lorenzo Rossi (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studio
laurea magistrale in Filosofia
Philosophy International Curriculum M.A.
1° anno, 2° anno
Primo semestre
Affine o integrativo
SSD attività didattica
M-FIL/02 - logica e filosofia della scienza
M-FIL/05 - filosofia e teoria dei linguaggi
Tipologia esame
Scritto ed orale

Familiarity with first-order logic.

Familiarity with first-order logic.


Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

This course will introduce students to some fundamental topics in the foundations and philosophy of mathematics, in line with the overall learning objectives of the MA program in Philosophy and the Philosophy International Curriculum to train the students' argumentative skills and their power of philosophical and logical analysis.



Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

Familiarity with the fundamental problems and paradigms in the foundations of mathematics, and knowledge of the main limitative results in mathematical logic, and their philosophical significance. Increased ability of logical and methodological analysis of foundational and philosophical problems, thanks to the mathematical and conceptual tools acquired during the course. 




The course is dived into two parts.

The first part will analyze the question of how we learn mathematical language, with focus on the language of arithmetic. We will review classical limitative results (Löwenheim-Skolem theorems and the compactness theorem, the halting problem, Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem, and Tarski’s undefinability theorem). A discussion of the philosophical significance of these results will follow. Finally, we will look at computational structuralism (Horsten) and abstractionism (Linnebo) as two strategies to answer the question of what fixes the reference of our arithmetical vocabulary.

The second part will deal with second-order solutions to the problem of referential indeterminacy in mathematics. After an introduction to second-order logic (SOL), with full and Henkin semantics, we will show that SOL does not share some of the meta-logical features of first-order logics (in particular, compactness and the Löwenheim-Skolem theorems), and can therefore single out unique models (up to isomorphism) of fundamental mathematical theories. More specifically, we will introduce the phenomenon of categoricity, and show that the second-order theories of the main number systems are categorical. If time permits, we will show that a quasi-categoricity result holds for second-order theories of sets. 



Modalità di insegnamento

Lectures and discussions (36 hours overall). The course will be in person. Teaching materials (videos, texts, forums, and exercises) will be available on Moodle.




Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

The exam will consist of a written and an oral component. The written component is a take-home problem set, that students will be given at the end of the course, and will have to deliver at least one week before the selected date for the oral examination. The oral examination will be a mixture of philosophical and technical questions. In order to prepare for the exam, students are required to do en-route assignments, i.e. problem sheets, every two weeks. Solutions to selected exercises will be discussed in class.  

The final grade will be given on a 30-points scale.

The oral interview will be in person. Students might ask the lecturers to do the interview online in case they cannot reach the exam venue due to exceptional circumstances.



Attività di supporto

Non-attending students are kindly requested to consult the instructions available on the Moodle website

Students with special needs (disabilities, learning difficulties) should consult the following web pages: support for students with special needs (, more on that (; information about the exam procedures (


Students with special needs are kindly requested to send an email to

Testi consigliati e bibliografia


1)McGee, V. (1997) How we learn mathematical language, Philosophical Review 106 (1):35-68.

2) Smullyan, R. (1992) Godel's Incompleteness Theorems, Oxford University Press, Oxford, Chapter 1.

3) Smith, P. Godel without (too many) tears,  freely available at this link, Chapters 1-7, 16.

4) Horsten, L. (2012)  Vom Zahlen zu den Zahlen: On the Relation Between Computation and Arithmetical Structuralism. Philosophia Mathematica 20 (3):275-288.

5) Field, Hartry (1994). Are Our Logical and Mathematical Concepts Highly Indeterminate? Midwest Studies in Philosophy 19 (1):391-429.

6) Linnebo, O. (2018) Thin objects, Oxford University Press, Oxford, Chapter 1 and chapter 10


Part II 

1) Shapiro, S. Foundations without Foundationalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991,  Chapters 1-6

2) Button, S. and S. Walsh, Philosophy and Model Theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018, Chapters 1, 2, 4, 6-8

3) Väänänen, J. "Second-order and Higher-order Logic", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

Optional readings:

Part I

Rayo, A., (2019) On the Brink of Paradox: Highlights from the Intersection of Philosophy and Mathematics, MIT Press.




Students are kindly invited to enroll on Campusnet.

It is vital that students consult the teaching materials present on Moodle (link).

Non-attending students are kindly requested to consult the instructions available on the Moodle website.

Students with special needs (disabilities, learning difficulties) should send an email to


Le/gli student sono invitati a iscriversi all'insegnamento su Campusnet.

È essenziale che studentesse e studenti consultino i materiali presenti su Moodle (link).

Le e gli studenti non-frequentati sono pregati di prendere visione delle indicazioni sulla pagina Moodle dell'insegnamento.

Per gli studenti/esse con DSA o disabilità, si prega di prendere visione delle modalità di supporto ( e di accoglienza ( di Ateneo, ed in particolare delle procedure necessarie per il supporto in sede d’esame (


Le e gli studenti con DSA o disabilità sono pregati di contattare il docente inviando una email a




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